
    En ce lundi 24 juin 2013 !

    Wouaaaaaaah ! Ca va bien !
    La Bretagne est à 3000 kilomètres d'ici ! Me voici arrivée en Estonie ! Grande émotion !
    Le blog s'est nourri peu à peu au fil des connections possibles, pas toujours faciles et pas
    toujours gratuites ! Merci à Matao pour le suivi et la mise à jour du blog !
    Je reviendrai sur mon passage dans le Nord de l'Allemagne après les Pays-Bas un peu plus
    tard......Il me reste à vous rapporter la période entre le 2 et le 20 juin 2013 !
    Passons à la traversée de la mer baltique et aux premiers jours à Tallinn !
    Je vais tenter d'être plus immédiate pour vous permettre de m'accompagner si vous le voulez un
    peu plus au fur et à mesure ! Je coconnections sont plus simples et gratuites en Estonie.
    Que les chanteurs et les musiciens s'amusent avec la chanson, diguedi, guedon !
    Voilà, c'est tout frais vécu !

    Marie Chiff'mine

    4 commentaires
  • Lübeck - Travemünde....20 kilometers before boarding for Helsinki first and saturday for
    Tallinn.. Good bye canals, rivers ! That's thursday the 20 th of June !
    Here's a huge boat for us which will be our cradle for 28 hours ! I say us...because I'm
    with some people from Germany with bikes and bikes bags as I. They also go to Tallinn
    The boat left the port of Travemünde at 3 o'clock. Everybody is sleeping. The boat is
    purring gently. The sea is calm and pleasant all the way of 700 kilometers !
    The early morning of that 21st of june brings us sunshine ! The chairs are moving a lot on
    the last deck. People take sun baths ! So do I ! Then, I blow a song to the sun that
    Brittany needs him right now !
    Birch twigs are fastened to the handrail of the deck. Guess why ? This is the longest day
    of the year. That's Midsummer in Finland and the boat is finnish. The birch has the
    symbol of light and purification. In Estonia, that's the same but the celebration of
    Midsummer is on the 23rd of june.
    I just arrived in Estonia to the harbour of Tallinn on saturday 22nd in the afternoon with
    the sun ! Wououh ! I must take my cap and take off my socks ! It's summertime here !
    Wououh !
    Sunday 23rd of June looks very special with those all blue, black, white flags everywhere
    even on taxis like flying ears ! That's a national event ! It's Midsummer Eve !
    Let's go around bonfires for dancing, jumping, skipping over the fires along the baltic sea!
    Concerts, dances, songs, games and oral traditions are still alive for that midsummer eve
    which is in estonian JAANIPAËV ( = Day of John)
    That's fun ! It reminds me my Brittany with this common tradition. But, you know what ?
    We've been forced to look at the sunset because he was still here on that clear night !
    That was.....Hm ! I don't have any word for it ! That's a long day and the night is very
    clear and full of light !
    Look at the sky...at four o'clock in the morning !
    The pictures tell you some comments but dream what you can't see !

    Marie Chiff'mine

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  • Lübeck - Travemünde....20 kilomètres avant l'embarquement pour Helsinki puis Tallinn.
    Adieu canaux, rivières ! Berceuse "Bateau sur l'eau "......de la mer baltique pendant 28 h !
    Mer calme, douce...pendant 700 kilomètres sur l'eau ! C'est long et bien agréable !
    Le bateau quitte le port de Travemünde à 3H du matin. Tout le monde dort !
    Réveil ensoleillé ! Je souffle fort au soleil que la Bretagne a besoin de lui aussi! Urgent !
    Des branches de bouleau sont accrochés sur le pont du bateau...Tiens-donc ! Pourquoi ?
    Je mène l'enquête ! C'est la fête du solstice d'été en Finlande ! Le bateau est finlandais !
    Et le bouleau est arbre de lumière et de purification ! Et en Estonie, c'est pareil mais cela
    se passera dimanche !
    Je suis arrivée en Estonie samedi 22 juin dans le courant de l' après-midi sous un soleil
    éclattant, m'obligeant la casquette et le retrait des chaussettes !
    Oh, zut ! J'ai perdu ma casquette ! Tiens, ça me rappelle une chanson de chez nous !
    Dimanche 23 juin 2013, l'Estonie a sorti ses drapeaux tricolores Bleu Noir Blanc sur
    toutes les maisons. Les taxis ont des drapeaux qui flottent comme des oreilles sur leurs
    C'est fête nationale, on dirait ! C'est la fête du solstice d'été : JAANIPAËV  qui veut dire
    Jour de Jean ! Pas trop de saints en Estonie !  Midsummer Eve en anglais ! Je suis allée
    fêter ça à Tallinn dans un bois près de la mer baltique avec d'autres cyclistes allemands,
    Klaus, Birgit et Oskar rencontrés en route ! Tout le monde est dehors autour de feux de
    joie; les enfants font de jolies couronnes de fleurs. Ca sent la viande grillée....On danse
    les danses traditionnelles estoniennes ! Les violons chantent, je me sens un peu reliée à la
    maison ; je suis benaize ! Des conteuses racontent les traditions du solstice d'été !
    Je ne suis pas trop dépaysée...Il y a comme un air de Bretagne au fond de mon coeur et le
    guidon conteur est comme un poisson dans l'eau ;
    Et alors ...
    On a été obligé de regarder le coucher de soleil sur la mer baltique ! C'était......Hm ! Je
    n'ai pas de mot ....le jour est long...et la nuit est claire !
    A 4h du matin, le ciel est coloré....allez-voir les images !
    Les images racontent un peu ....Rêvez-le tout !

    Marie Chiff'mine

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    J'ai longé des digues !

    (Composée en roulant aux Pays-Bas  avec 5 couplets et un refrain à reprendre 2 fois ! )
    Qui donnera un air, une danse à cette chanson ? Avis aux musiciens et aux chanteurs !
    On dansera tout ça à mon retour !

    J'ai longé des digues, diguedi, guedon.
    En dansant la gigue de mon p'tit guidon !

    Refrain :
    Et roulez, roulez sur digue, dondaine !Et roulez, roulez sur digue, dondon ! (bis)

    J'ai vu moutons blancs, moutons de laine.
    Qui broutaient du vent sans perdre l'haleine !

    J'ai longé des digues, diguedi, guedon.  
    Comme bergère s'en va-t-au rigaudon !

    Mais voilà moutons tout gris de peine.
    Du ciel noir, pleurant comme  fontaine !

    J'ai longé des digues, diguedi, guedon.
    Sous la pluie pour faire cette chanson !

    Marie Chiff'mine

    3 commentaires
  • Oh ! Where is Marie Chiff'mine ?

    She just jumped into a train on the 27th of May for Paris. She has a musical performance with the musician Pierre-Yves Prothais in Mainvilliers(28). Their musical play "La terre allant vers..." (= about the Earth and its troubles) has been planned on the 28th of may. This play takes place as an introduction to the involvment of towns around Mainvilliers in the sustainable development. Many thanks to Damien Mesnil and Dominique François with their teams!

    Nice meeting between 2 teachers and 2 classes of CM2 of Mainvilliers about the bike trip of Marie Chiff'mine ! Many thanks for your bright questions ! Thanks Laureen for your comments !

    On the next day in Amsterdam, my bike is waiting for me ! We've planned to get Zeewolde tonight !

    "Let's singing in the rain ! "....I don't sing for long. I rode for 4 hours up to Zeewolde ! I'm so exhausted that Helga who was out for an evening walk in the campsite of Zeewolde, proposed me her help. She was like a fairy. The rain was gone ! We have pitched the tent together and she invited me in her bungalow for a shower and tea with bananas ! Many thanks Helga and Henk !

    Oh ! Let's go to Zwolle ! Guess why ?

    I crossed the pretty town of Elburg where I had my lunch on the harbour. Nice talk with the captain ! Leny, a teacher, who was on a school outing with 80 students on bikes, stopped me for a talk ! She is a biker on holidays ! She loves that and was connected in one go when she saw me crossing slowly Elburg ! She gave me a piece of advice for the dutch cycling roads . Maybe, she 'll come one day in Brittany !

    Then, I stopped to a bike shop for a drop of oil and got more air in my tyres. But too much ! My back tyre has burst 4 kilometers later. I got lots of help for repairing and the boss of the bike shop gave me the ride up to Zwolle ! He wanted to help me very much because he has already been a traveller ! Many thanks !

    Zwolle unlimited 2013 : International storytelling Festival !

    Tamara is waiting for me ! She is in charge of the volunteers programm. I'll be a volunteer in the tower for setting the cattering for artists and volunteers. That's a good place for meeting storytellers and other volunteers ! I was with Justin on the Saturday and with Iris on the sunday. I've got a good introduction to the storytelling landscape of Netherlands. I met the french storyteller Abbi Patrix with the performance of "The companion" in english and the english Nick Hennessey. Nick made perfomances with stories and songs with the harp and the kalevala.Emily Parrish was there also ! Haven't I seen you somewhere before ? That was in Kent on the 13th of may in her garden !

    That was enjoyable to have performances in english for my understanding ! But I discovered also dutch tales and duch storytelling ! Hmhmhm ! I invented my own stories from emotions and expressions of storytellers ! I don't speak dutch unfortunately ! I could feel that the young storytellers were really involved in their own stories which were very alive and well shared in that festival.

    What a good programm with belgian, english, french, swiss, german and dutch storytellers....A great family from the universe !

    That festival was really friendly, lovely, full of welcome and discoveries with music and storytelling combinations !

    Many structures about storytelling gathered in that village of tents and boats : Vertel Academie, Stitching Vertellen, De Verhaelen boot .....and more.

    Many thanks to the festival organisation, to Rob, Kitty and their storytelling boat and to Tamara's enthousiasm !

    What a magic boat with many trips in the country of imagination !

    Happy international storytelling festival in 2014 !

    Pictures can tell you more about that festival ....! Have a look ...

    Marie Chiff'mine

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